Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Out of Africa

Today I was able to complete quilting on the piece I mentioned in my last blog, It is still not finished as I intend to repaint some of the areas of the face. It has turned out reasonably well and just needs the binding to be done. 

I have been invited to exhibit next month at The The Plough Gallery in Shrepreth. The exhibition will be called Out of Africa and Deanna Tyson who is curating the event will also be exhibiting. I have created new work for this and have a few new pieces in progress. The piece below is one of my new paintings on canvas. 

I am posting an image of The Girl Behind The Mask a quilt which I did a few years ago to show how I have used the same source of inspiration to create two very different pieces.

There is a vast difference in size, the colours are different,and the medium is too but the similarities are evident and very clear. This is why I enjoy making art, the possibilities are endless.