Sunday, 14 October 2012

Private views

Masai girl
The private view of the exhibition was really wonderful. I felt very pleased with the way that my work was received and  all the artists taking part were given a warm introduction to the audience attending. There were more people there that I had expected,  the two  pieces contrasted beautifully against the white wall and I received many positive and complimentary comments. They were large paintings which filled the space beautifully and I enjoyed seeing everyone's work. Transformation was sold by the end of the evening and I certainly did not expect it.. The music afterwards was really fabulous and made everyone move to the rhythm. The two pieces which I entered into the Exhibition at The Apex gallery in Bury St Edmund's can be seen above.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Black History Month

Last week I delivered my two pieces to the Apex Gallery and was so very impressed with the space, it was large light and modern. The curator and gallery director Cate Hadley was warm and friendly Last week I delivered my two pieces to the Apex Gallery and was so very impressed with the space, and gave us a tour of all the modern facilities. I left feeling really pleased that I had been given an opportunity to have my work exhibited in this wonderful space, my only regret was that I had not submitted my larger pieces instead. The private view is happening on Tuesday with an Ethiopian group call the Krar collective performing at 8pm. Thanks to Deanna Tyson for telling me about it.
This month is also  Breast Cancer awareness month so don't forget to check.
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