Sunday, 22 September 2013

Art Party for Ruby and off to University for Mel #3

Last Saturday I hosted an Art party for Ruby, it was her 11th birthday. She came with Eve, Nadia, Seren, her three best friends, they call themselves "The Fantastic Four" and Mum Jane. The girls were delightful and eager to try things out, they jumped in with both feet quietly confident in their approach to the project. We made textile books using painted Bondaweb and muslin as well as experimenting with Gesso. They had not used Gesso before and it became the source of many moments of laughter as they could not remember the name of this white chalky substance which Eve referred to as "white stuff". There were times when they whispered quietly and times especially at lunch when they relaxed and felt more at home, sharing their stories about siblings and school. I discovered that they were very creative and had their own stash of art materials including oil and chalk pastels, they did not shy away from sewing and added wonderful buttons to the surfaces that they had created. Ruby mentioned impressively her interest in vintage fashion and her love of art. Overall they were engaged with the task at hand and completed beautiful books by the end, Mum Jane shone through too and demonstrated her own skills during the process.

Textile books made by The fantastic four

 Of course there is always more that I would have liked to have shared with them but time always goes too quickly when having fun. I very much hope that  that the experience was one which inspires them to continue their exploration of art.
It was really a pleasure to have had them in my studio. See their amazing books in the photo above.

Yesterday we took Melissa to University. She is truly an inspiration to me. She is smart, brave and  not afraid to speak out loudly about what she thinks is right and believes in. She is hardworking and caring, and I often say that I want to be like her "when I grow up" I say this because she seems to be far more mature for her 18 almost 19 years of age than I will ever be even after living for half a century. I am proud of her and all that she has accomplished especially after a difficult year. She achieved top grades in History, Art, English literature and her Extended project.
Melissa 3yrs

This photo shows her true personality which has not changed over the years, her cheeky smile, strong fashion sense (pink Barbie watch) white bows in her hair and trademark glasses.
When she was really little she spoke with an extremely hoarse voice, because she shouted to be heard. She had to fight for attention to compete with her two older siblings Krystal the violin player and ballet dancer, Adam my only son who loved his dinosaurs, action figures and running around at top speed with a football.  She wanted to be heard, and she shouted. Then after six years of being the baby in the family, Selena came along the cute baby
 "Perfect Peter she called her" I smile when I remember this as Melissa would often say that Selena was Perfect Peter and she was Horrid Henry, she still says this to this day. Mel is not at all horrid, just determined.
Selena arrived and  took all the perks of being the youngest. Melissa continued to shout, is still shouting to be heard, but this time with a confidence and power which I can only admire. She is certainly going to leave a mark in this world and I can only look on with pride while she does it. I will miss her advice, friendship, support and encouragement. On a lighter note, she took all her shoes so my wardrobe has shrunk.


Blogger Gina said...

You'll miss Melissa but it will be wonderful to see her grow even more. She is a wonderful young woman. The textile books are fabulous.

23 September 2013 at 22:03  

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